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1 Skip Intro  Mon, Jun 24, 2013 5:42:24pm
“Lower Stock price is causing Apple to continue to lose employees to Google, LinkedIn. FaceBook and HP,” he wrote.

Google I can see, LinkedIn, I don’t know. But Facebook and HP?


2 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Jun 24, 2013 5:45:09pm

re: #1 Skip Intro

and HP?

HP is a very large IT contracting agency, like EDS used to be back in the day.

3 Skip Intro  Mon, Jun 24, 2013 5:58:48pm

re: #2 Vicious Babushka

HP is a very large IT contracting agency, like EDS used to be back in the day.

Things must really be getting bleak at the Doughnut if IT contracting for HP is attractive.

4 jonhendry  Mon, Jun 24, 2013 8:05:54pm

I haven’t heard anything about defections, and I follow enough iOS/Mac developers that I think I would have heard.

The recent Apple developer conference included statements suggesting that the Mac and Mac OS have at least another decade of life left in them, so Mac-oriented staff at Apple should have reason to stick around. (They may have had concerns that Apple was going to quickly shift to all-iOS/all-mobile.)

I can’t see Apple people going to HP. Everyone at Apple would be looking at what happened to Palm and WebOS. They wouldn’t be looking for IT contracting work, they’d be more interested in some interesting startup with significant equity or options.

At least, nobody Apple would really miss would go to HP to do IT contracting.

5 jonhendry  Mon, Jun 24, 2013 8:10:50pm

Also, stocks have been dropping widely lately. Unless Yahoo, United Technologies, and Ford are also experiencing defections…

And Trip Chowdry is kind of a moron, with sources located somewhere near his back pockets:

Global Equities Research analyst Trip Chowdhry, in an interview with Reuters:

Investors should not think the upcoming version of iPhone 3 is going to be as successful as iPhone 2.0 because it will have solid competition from Palm Pre, developed by ex-Apple designer Jon Rubinstein.

And from 2010:
Trip Chowdhry, an analyst with tiny Global Equities Research, contends that 7 minutes of the June 7 keynote by Apple CEO Steve Jobs has been blocked off for a presentation by Microsoft to talk about Visual Studio 2010, the company’s suite of development tools. Chowdhry says the new version of VS will allow developers to write native applications for the iPhone, iPad and Mac OS. And here’s the kicker: he thinks Microsoft’s presentation could be given by none other than Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer.

(This did not happen. There is no Visual Studio tool from Microsoft that lets you write native applications for iOS and Mac.)

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